
Achieving a durable and long-lasting tile installation requires meticulous attention to detail during both substrate preparation and adhesive application. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the importance of these critical steps and offer expert tips to enhance tile durability. We’ll also highlight how Delgon Laticare, a reputable adhesive solutions provider, contributes to the process.

The Foundation of Durability: Substrate Preparation

A solid substrate ensures the stability and longevity of your tile installation:

  1. Clean and Level Surface: Remove debris, dust, and any remnants of previous installations. Ensure the surface is level to prevent uneven tiles and cracking.
  2. Proper Priming: Apply a suitable primer to porous substrates to improve adhesive bonding and prevent water infiltration.
  3. Crack Isolation Membrane: For areas with potential movement, consider using a crack isolation membrane to prevent cracks from transferring to the tile.
  4. Concrete Moisture Testing: Test concrete substrates for moisture content to avoid issues like adhesive failure or mold growth due to moisture trapped beneath the tiles.

Expert Tips for Adhesive Application

Proper adhesive application is vital for ensuring tiles adhere securely and resist wear and tear:

  1. Choose the Right Trowel: Select the correct notched trowel size based on the tile size and type. Delgon Laticare offers adhesive products with recommended trowel sizes for foolproof installation.
  2. Uniform Coverage: Achieve even adhesive coverage by using the trowel at a 45-degree angle and pressing firmly to create ridges. Adequate coverage prevents hollow tiles and adhesive failure.
  3. Open Time Awareness: Be aware of the adhesive’s open time, the period during which it remains workable. This helps ensure you place the tiles while the adhesive is still effective.
  4. Back Buttering: For large tiles or uneven surfaces, apply a thin layer of adhesive to the back of the tile (back buttering) in addition to applying adhesive to the substrate.

Delgon Laticare’s Expertise in Enhancing Durability

Delgon Laticare excels in providing adhesive solutions that enhance the durability of tile installations:

  1. Innovative Formulations: Delgon Laticare’s adhesive products are formulated for optimal bonding strength, flexibility, and resistance to various conditions.
  2. Expert Technical Support: The company offers technical guidance to ensure customers select the right adhesive for their specific projects, improving the overall lifespan of the installation.
  3. Extensive Product Range: Delgon Laticare provides a range of adhesive solutions tailored to different substrate types and tile materials.


Enhancing tile durability involves meticulous preparation of the substrate and proper adhesive application techniques. By meticulously cleaning, leveling, and priming the substrate and using the right adhesive application methods, you’re setting the foundation for a long-lasting and visually appealing tile installation. Companies like Delgon Laticare provide the expertise and innovative solutions needed to achieve durable results. As you embark on your next tiling project, remember that careful substrate preparation and adhesive application are the keys to a tile installation that stands the test of time.

Sunitha M

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