
Tile adhesive is a vital component of a successful tile installation, but even with the best intentions, issues can arise. Understanding common tile adhesive problems and their solutions is key to ensuring your tile project stands the test of time. In this blog post, we’ll explore some common adhesive challenges and offer expert insights, including contributions from Delgon Laticare, a renowned company known for its innovative adhesive solutions.

Problem 1: Adhesive Not Sticking Properly

Cause: Adhesive not sticking to the substrate or tiles can result from poor surface preparation, inadequate adhesive coverage, or incompatible materials.

Solution: Ensure the surface is clean, dry, and properly primed. Use the correct notched trowel to achieve even adhesive coverage, and double-check that the adhesive is suitable for the tile material.

Problem 2: Adhesive Drying Too Quickly or Slowly

Cause: Rapid drying can be due to high temperatures or windy conditions, while slow drying might be caused by excessive humidity or cold temperatures.

Solution: Control the drying environment by using shade or fans to slow down drying in hot weather. Conversely, use heaters or dehumidifiers to accelerate drying in cold or humid conditions.

Problem 3: Adhesive Curing Issues

Cause: Inconsistent curing can occur due to improper mixing of adhesive components, incorrect water ratios, or using expired adhesive.

Solution: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully while mixing adhesive. Use clean water and adhere to recommended ratios. Always use fresh adhesive that’s within its shelf life.

Problem 4: Preventing Tile Shrinkage

Cause: Tile shrinkage can result from the adhesive drying too quickly or from improper trowel notch size.

Solution: Use a larger trowel notch size to provide more adhesive under the tile. Also, consider using a slow-setting adhesive or mist the tiles with water to prevent rapid drying.

Problem 5: Hollow Tiles or “Drummy” Sound

Cause: Tiles that sound hollow when tapped could be due to adhesive not bonding well or not covering the entire back of the tile.

Solution: Ensure proper adhesive coverage using the correct trowel and technique. Press tiles firmly into the adhesive during installation to create a strong bond.

Delgon Laticare’s Expert Insights

Delgon Laticare, with its experience in adhesive solutions, provides expert insights into troubleshooting adhesive issues:

  1. Comprehensive Technical Support: Delgon Laticare offers technical support to assist in choosing the right adhesive and resolving installation challenges.
  2. Tailored Solutions: The company’s range includes adhesives optimized for different conditions, helping prevent common issues like shrinkage or poor adhesion.
  3. Proper Training: Delgon Laticare emphasizes proper training in adhesive application techniques to ensure successful installations.


Troubleshooting common tile adhesive problems requires a combination of understanding, attention to detail, and access to quality adhesive solutions. By recognizing potential issues and implementing the appropriate solutions, you can overcome challenges that may arise during your tile installation. With the guidance of experts like Delgon Laticare, you can ensure that your adhesive-related concerns are effectively addressed, resulting in a tile project that’s both visually stunning and built to last.

Sunitha M

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